Continentale company health insurance fund
Corporation under public law (KdöR)
Sengelmannstr. 120 | 22335 Hamburg
Tel: 0800 6 262626 | Fax: 040 526777-1125
E-mail: kundenservice(at)
Board of Directors: Stefan Lorenz
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board: Jutta Grauel
Sales tax identification number: EN288366316
Supervisory authority:
Federal Social Security Office
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 38, 53113 Bonn
All contents of the Continentale website BKK are protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without express authorisation.
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Despite careful control of the content, all details and information on the Continentale BKK Without guarantee, errors and changes excepted. The Continentale BKK is not liable for any damage caused by websites not being accessible and files not being technically in order. We are also not liable for the content of external websites, e.g. those of co-operation partners, or their availability.
The external content has been checked to determine whether it violates civil or criminal law. However, it cannot be ruled out that this content may be subsequently changed by the respective providers. Please inform us if you notice any anomalies (e.g. violation of applicable law, inappropriate content). In this respect, we are not liable for the content of linked external websites, nor for their availability.
Picture credits
Adobe Stock
Concept and realisation
Ideenbude GbR, Hamburg